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Rock Climbing Instructor refresher days
Brush up for a Rock Climbing Instructor (RCI) assessment by a qualified trainer and assessor.
Price: £55-110 per person
Ratio: 1:4
Length: 1-2 days
What does the course cover?
A dedicated day to practice and refine all the technical aspects relating to the RCI syllabus in a calm and encouraging environment, with all the scrutiny of an assessor on top.
​​Day One
Efficient and alternate set-ups for rigging bottom and top ropes, converting to or setting up releasable abseils. Problem solving technical elements.
Day Two
If you're climbing standard isn't up to scratch or logbook is looking thin, this day will focus on how to rectify issues with a clinic on your climbing in general.
Who runs the course?
I run the course myself, I hold the Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor qualification, the highest non-winter climbing award. I've been climbing for nearly 20 years and coached a range of people of all ability and social backgrounds along the entirety of their career as an instructor. If I'm not available or a longer course duration is chosen, a close friend and local MCI willl be brought in to provide a different and blanced perspective.
Where will we go?
Venues you're likely to visit on a RCI asssessment in North Wales.
We have ample personal and specialist equipment like harnesses, helmets, climbing rack and ropes available. You are welcome to use your own equipment, and complete kitlist will be sent out ahead of time. A typical kit-list can be found here.
Further Questions
Email me any questions you might have that I haven't thought of or been asked.
What happens if I fall? If you're leading, I'll be right alongside you to ease tension and place reassuring bomber gear.
Can we practice falling? Sometimes falling isn't safe, if this is something you would like, we can find the right venue.
What if it's raining? The microclimates of North Wales mean that within a 30 minute drive somewhere dry can be found, or we might delay the start of the day to avoid the worst. If it's horrific weather as an absolute last resort, there are still things we can practice indoors
Duration and Prices
All of our courses are private and bespoke bookings to your dates.
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